Solutions For The Enterprise Level to the Solopreneur

Eve works with your needs and your systems. With a focus on increasing efficiencies, reducing cost, and improving the customer experience, we take a consultative approach for YOU.

Solutions For The Enterprise Level to the Solopreneur

Eve works with your needs and your systems. With a focus on increasing efficiencies, reducing cost, and improving the customer experience, we take a consultative approach for YOU.

What Can EVE Can Do For YOUR Business?

No Days Off Or Even Breaks

Up To 90% More Cost Effective

Better Customer Experience

Immediately Scalable

No Payroll Or Employment Taxes

Automate The Entire Process

Virtual Receptionist

We learn how your business works and what questions your customers need answered. Get appointments scheduled and qualified straight into your calendar. Imagine a filled up calendar without you needing to lift a finer. Never missing another call and being available even after hours.

Lead Follow Up

We'll take the exact same script you've already been using and call your customers right away. No more playing phone tag or reaching out countless time. We'll do it for you and automate whatever comes next. How many better way could you use your time and spend your money?


Need top talent? Sifting through countless applications only to find out 80% aren't even qualified for the call? Reaching out to dead contacts who never pick up the phone? Not only will we reach them, but we'll qualify them so that your recruiters only spend time with the right people.

AI Chatbot/Text Bot

Sometimes talking on the phone just isn't right. Texting or messaging is the preferred choice for many different people. Whether they can't talk or they don't want to. Don't miss out on leads just however they prefer to communicate. Capture the lead there or schedule a call for later.

Innovative Solutions, Real Results

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